The company


Make dreams come true and inspire people through our furniture.


One Brand | A team

To be a reference in furniture, identified with reality, and committed to building a better world through relationships with our partners and the environment."


  • Boldness;
  • People are everything to us;
  • Respecting history, loving what you do;
  • Owner attitude.



We are facing yet another challenge, another journey.

We arrived at our “new face” “102” catalogue; We revitalized our logo to mark this very special and resilient moment we are living. We invested ourselves with all the meaning that the number “102” brings and launched ourselves, possibly, in the biggest challenge of our history.

The number “1” represents “change, new beginning, action”, and this is how we find ourselves today, changing our historical structures and proposing even more modern and sustainable furniture, in line with our values and aware of our role in society. The number “0” brings us “eternity, infinity, continuous flow” and for a century-old company like ours, nothing is more representative than the daily struggle to remain firm in an increasingly competitive and globalized world.

The number ‘2” resonates with “the energies of faith and trust or soul mission”, which directly intersects with our history of struggle and faith. From the boy Bechara who left Lebanon at the age of 19 in 1921 and landed in Santos, walking for three months behind an oxcart, eating bananas and drinking water until he reached our dear Tanabi, where he began his mission of soul and there he began to make his first pieces of furniture, not knowing where he would end up.

To complete, and possibly the most emblematic, I want to highlight Psalm 102, which is an invitation to those who are going through adversity and that preserving good behavior is the key to remaining firm, because God always honors his own.

About our company

It all started in the last century, when Mr. Bechara Nassar Frange comes from Lebanon to Brazil, and settles in the city of Tanabi/SP.

The year 1921 is the “ground zero” of our saga, the beginning of a love story of a family passionate about producing furniture and that is proud to say that in their veins there is no blood, but “sawdust”.

JB Móveis was born in 1986, with the audacity of Mr. Jorge Bechara, son of Mr. Bechara Nassar.

Its strategic vision was to meet the demand of the Brazilian market, with hard work, innovation, modern and bold vision. After all these years, today JB Móveis has become a reference in the national and international territory, with more than 4 thousand clients spread throughout Brazil and the world.

Currently, the company has a production sector of 18,000 m² and produces an average of more than 30,000 pieces per month. We are proud of our history, of imagining what the world was like 100 years ago, and seeing everything we have achieved to date.

And you are part of it all!

Access our product gallery and see how much our furniture can inspire and delight your business, your home and your life.

Welcome to JB Móveis!
